ORION AS STAR MOTHER, COSMIC WOMB - BIRTHING HER STAR CHILDREN, THE PLEIADESWorking with starcodes and star wisdom downloads is something I have been training myself to do, by practice, over the last many years. Enhancing my own ability to both be a conduit for these starcodes, as well as embodying, integrating, and then turning them to something that is shareable and grounded enough to be accessible to others. This write up serves to ground and share this incredible experience, but also only scratches the surface of all that I was shown and moved through in my body and with my soul. Orion Mother sits prominently in the night sky, one of the most recognized and familiar constellation. Just below her belt/waistline sits the Orion Nebula. This Nebula is a birthplace of stars. Many of these young stars flow along our spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our arm/branch/star stream of the Galaxy is even named after her, The Orion Spur/Arm. One could say that Orion is the Cosmic Mother, the Womb Portal, the Birthplace to the stars in our sector of the galaxy. Looking at the Orion Constellation, we see 8 major “outline” stars. Three Belt Stars (Ainitak, Ainilam, Mintaka), two peak shoulder stars (Betelgeuse & Bellatrix), peak head star (Meissa) and two base feet/leg stars (Rigel & Saiph). Under the belt or waist, lies a band of light bright sky, that some call Orion’s Sword, but which I reframe here for us as Orion Mother’s Cosmic Womb. If you look at the image of the constellation, and view it as a woman standing. Under her waistline/belt lies the womb of stars. The Orion Nebula. Placed just where a human birth portal would be. This luminous sky spot treats our eyes with several bright stars in a row, and a cloud of light. This Light Cloud is the Orion Nebula. A vast stellar nursery, where young stars are born. Within this nebula, there are 4 stars that depict a diamond formation, that we call The Trapezium. This Trapezium presented itself to me as a creation portal. A stargate of sorts for star beings to step into our universe through. Like a cosmic womb, nurturing and birthing new baby stars. I had a strong experience of embodying this birthing mother aspect of Orion myself around the March equinox. The most important point made available to me that I would like to share with you, that might have impact and relevance this year and as we flow through May, is the viewpoint of…. Orion as Star Mother to the Pleiades sibling stars…STAR FAMILY This holds especially true for her star children, the cluster we call M45, The Pleiades. This star cluster is one of our nearby galactic neighbors. So we “hear from” this cluster a lot more than from stars that are far far away. The feel familiar, like people from our hometown. This star cluster has played a large prominent role in ancient earth cultures all over the globe. The Pleiades is a cluster of stars. A cluster is a group of stars that travel together. That have the same space trajectory, direction, speed and properties, and are believed to be birthed in the same nebulae or region. Star Siblings!! While the Pleiades Cluster has around 1000 stars, there are seven that are bright enough for us to see easily on earth with our naked eyes – no telescope needed. Nine if you are under a very dark sky, away from city light. This fixed star cluster is easily recognizable, as its grouping and placement make it distinct and easily recognized. It sits just past the powerful bright alignment of Sirius and the Orion Constellation. In fact, Sirius, Orion Belt Stars and the Pleiades make a direct alignment line across the sky. They even set together along the horizon line. As such, many stone calendar and stargate sites around the globe are built to catch and mark and interact with the seasonal timekeeping qualities of their highly visible setting and risings. Many cultures have used the Pleiades as “time keepers”. While we honor the stories and myths and traditions of the cultures and ancestors that have gone before us, we hold equal responsibility to be reCreators and to rewrite the star myths for our modern world. As we awaken to the fact that StarCodes, starlight, star wisdom, star knowledge is for US, in this NOW. When we actively interact and ascend our own individual human awareness and attention to the incoming light codes. And these light codes descend and shine the light of awareness and transmissions our way. Our act of reaching, of paying attention, of activating with the incoming star light makes it accelerate. The path of what many call planetary ascension. Is for sure a global, collective “thing”. But even more potently, it is an individual, soul inspired, present moment by moment attention flow of YOU. Upgrading our star myths to include the tale with Orion as the Cosmic Mother, keeping after her “flock” of doves, flock of seven children, keeping them safe, cozy and peaceful. Sources & Read more here:
Orion Nebula, Nursery of Infant Stars - https://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/news-display.cfm?News_ID=561 https://earthsky.org/clusters-nebulae-galaxies/orion-nebula-jewel-in-orions-sword#science https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/star-trapping-in-orions-trapezium/ And, it is nice to see others getting this vision and message about Orion: https://naturecalendar.wordpress.com/2008/03/17/hello-world/
1 Comment
5/10/2021 05:12:24 pm
How do train yourself to work with and download starcodes?
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