Mother Sun ~ Cosmic Birther ~ Venus Conjunction ~ Rising as Dawn Star 🌟 Birth of LIGHT 💫MOTHER SUN
The Sun As Mother Gives Birth to her children The Planets They orbit around her, for she emanates the LIGHT of LIFE From our vantage point on earth, with our naked eyes, we can see the light of these brother and sister planets. They are pinpoint brilliant lights in the sky. This planetary light, is a reflection of Sun LIGHT. As we look to the skies, we see each of our sibling planets visit and join with Mother Sun regularly. Astronomers call these visits conjunctions. During a visit/conjunction, the planets are embraced fully by the mother sun glow, and become part of the daytime light. Not something we see at night. Right now, Venus is in the embrace of the Mother Sun. When Venus and Mother Sun get together, they beam brightly the codes of LIGHTBIRTHER Venus as Cosmic Mother Sun as Cosmic Grandmother Mother Sun provides a flow of Life Force - Prana Heat - Warmth Nourishment Fire- Sight - Rainbow Illumination Mother Sun is a Plasma Birther, a Light Birther Bubbling forth with flares, plasma waves, and solar codes Venus as Cosmic Birther Learns much from Mother Sun during this conjunction visit And the cycle begins again ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` A Venus Cycle begins with Venus as a prominent evening star. It begins a period of retrograde motion that lasts for about 40 days, the midpoint a conjunction with the sun. It sets closer and closer to sunset until it joins the sun in the sky and becomes invisible to us for a period of 8 days. During this transformative 8 days in the dark primal creation field of the underworld, Venus makes a shift from evening to morning star. When seen again on the eastern horizon at dawn, she is rebirthed as The Cosmic Divine Mother aspect. For 9 months Venus rises before the Sun in her morning star phase. During this part of the cycle, we can consider her in Dawn Star Mother Mode. Gestating Life within. Note that the length of time of this phase of the Venus cycle correlates to the length of time of human gestation. As you embody this Venus cycle process, you may become “impregnated” with new LIGHT. Holding new light in your cosmic womb is a sacred act. The Rise of Venus as Dawn Star on the eastern horizon signals the go window to BIRTH your visions and inspirations, to birth your NEW LIGHT. LIGHTBIRTHERS are we!
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May 2024