Activation of our Planetary MerkabaVenus and Mars – Conjunction July 12, 2021 ACTIVATION OF OUR PLANETARY MERKABA Venus and Mars meet in the early evening sky on July 12, 2021. This powerful alignment is activating our Individual AND Planetary Merkaba(s) Mars and then Venus have both recently passed through the Beehive Star Cluster. Exploring the shape of the Beehive, we see that the dome can be inscribed (drawn within) the tetrahedron shape. A Tetrahedron is the basic building block of life. It is the shape a water molecule makes, and a common shape of molecular bonds. A tetrahedron is a triangular pyramid, with all 4 sides equilateral (equal sided) triangles. It has an inherent stability and can withstand the pressure of life. It carried the code of our water based life forms here on earth. After their “trerahedronation” ( I just made up that word ;-) through their individual beehive stargate alignments and lightbody upgrades – a strong activation of their tetrahedron light body aspects/phases – both planets are in radiant tetrahedron light forms. This conjunction, where Venus joins Mars in the evening sky, is a merging, and union, a oneness moment between Mars and Venus. It is worth noticing at this point that Venus spins clockwise, while Mars spins counterclockwise. In this way they represent the two tetrahedrons, that merge to create a star terahedron. Each spinning in opposite and complementary directions. It is the opposing spins that create the synergy. A star tetrahedron aspect/phase of the lightbody is also know as the Mer-Ka-Ba A Merkaba is a light geometry, and energetic construct, consisting of two intertwined tetrahedrons. We, each human body, has an energy field layer that is your light body vehicle, that is your merkaba. Planetary bodies have the same. The earth has a PLANETARY MERKABA, as does Mars, Venus, the Sun, every celestial body. This Mars Venus alignment is singing me the codes, the primal planetary songs of the UNION of in/out, day/night, source/sink, expansion/contraction, male/female. This alignment is a golden key code, a clicking IN of these two polar energies into the UNIFIED FIELD of ONENESS. I had a FABULOUS chat with Todd Medina on Soulogy One Studios today about this alignment, and how it is ACVTIVATING THE PLANETARY MERKABA. Catch the relplay here: It includes an illuminating chat, and some sound code (tuning fork) energy work sound vibrational tuning to assist in your inner union. Read more about alignment details here:
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