an Open Portal of LightAn Open Portal of Light July 27, 2017
Greetings Friends We sit now on the threshold of an amazing opportunity to align with and anchor in tremendous light. Our planet, our solar system, our galaxy, are all in alignment astronomically to receive another powerful transmission of light and knowledge. Light is information. It is knowledge. It is a stream of photons, bundles of energy. It is a wave, a flow, a river of data through time and space. Most likely the computer you are reading this on is powered by fiber optics, signals transmitted by light. Light codes are just that, information & energy transmissions. We get light codes daily from the sun. We get light codes reflected off the moon, off the waters and clouds. From raindrops and rainbows. From the stars and planets. There are particular astronomical alignments that place the earth in just the perfect way to receive light code transmissions from within our solar system, from other starts in our Milky Way galaxy, and from further away - near and distant star systems and galaxies. Full and New Moons are two alignments we are quite familiar with. This year we have power packed moon energy. The July 23 new moon set us in place for a sequence of events…from here we have a Full Moon August 7, accompanied by a lunar eclipse, and then a much anticipated New Moon August 21, so aligned as to bring a total Solar Eclipse to much of North America. Eclipses give us a moment of pause, a moment of collective focus and awareness. An opportunity to reset and recalibrate. I will offer more info on these moons as we get closer. In addition to these solar lunar earth alignments, we have a galactic alignment unfolding at the very same time. Just as our planet orbits around the sun, our solar system orbits around the center of the galaxy. On earth, we pay attention to solstice and equinox to mark the progression of our orbit. We see directly that where we are in relation to the sun governs our seasons and weather and these cycles are the driving force for our daily lives here on earth. The solar system, in it’s orbital pathway around the center of the galaxy, also undergoes similar “seasons” or cycles. Have you ever contemplated the galactic center? Take a moment with me now…. Imagine our galaxy, the Milky Way. See that bright ball of light at the center? Let’s call that the Galactic Center or Core. The galactic center is a source of light. It is the birthplace of stars. You might even say every star in our galaxy is a transmission of this central light (including Solaris, our sun). That light is delivered from the center of the universe, to the center of each galaxy, and from there to each star in that galaxy. Our sun is the core of our solar system, how all life and light and warmth are provided via its rays. Life on earth depends on it. It is the source of the life-force, the prana. In a similar way the galaxy depends on the Galactic Core, for source light and life. The way our solar system is tilted in relation to the galactic equator sets us up for an annual alignment and “boost” of light and source codes from the galactic center. We are in that gateway of alignment now. It happens through the portal of the double star Sirius A-B (the brightest star in our sector), which spreads galactic center light into our branch/spiral arm of the milky way. The ancient Egyptians referred to this alignment and gateway as Lion’s Gate. It happens around August 8 each year. When the sun is in the sign of Leo, the Lion. From the viewpoint of Egypt, the star Sirius would dip below the level of the horizon for a period of 70 days. When Sirius would rise again over the horizon in the morning sky, it was around the time that the Nile would flood, brining much needed water and life flow to the desert. As such, it was such a potent time of the year that it dictated the Egyptian calendar and ushered in the new year. Ancient archeo-astronomers paid close attention to this important cycle, and constructed the pyramids to both mark and amplify this time of the year. In fact, the 3 pyramids of Giza are aligned to mirror Orion’s Belt. At this time of year the milky way (as viewed from earth) lines up with the Nile River. The ancient ones could connect to and harness this influx of energy from the galactic core, to Sirius, to the Sun to Earth. So can you! This light is coming to you right now. It will affect you. When you work in conscious co-creation under such auspicious circumstances, the whole galaxy, the whole universe is supporting your inner work and inner transformations. I encourage you to use this time to accelerate your journey. Your journey of personal healing. Your journey of raising your vibration. The journey of stripping away the layers and cloaks from your field. The journey of being a vessel and container, a magnet and anchor point for light in the world. For expressing your truth and talents in the world. These alignments are not a single day, they span several weeks, as you feel the influence as we move into and out of the alignment corridor. Pay attention to what comes up for you. What you see, what you feel, what you experience. Allow the light to find all the deep dark places. In addition to receive, you can actively extend your awareness to conduct this light through you, to you, and into the earth.
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