EARTH-SHIFT - MULTIDIMENSIONALITY - THE LIVING UNIVERSE – WITH JAMES TYBERONNThese are my transcribed notes from a video presentation by James Tyberonn. : – Upshift of the Earth Planetary Ascension is upshift of the earth into 12 dimensions Coronal Mass Ejections, solar winds, solar flares bombarding the planet – x flares are more than any other time in history of reporting – these have changed the anionic background of the earth. Bernice Barlow in her book Sacred Sites of the West includes studies of the way that the ion ratio of the earth affects human consciousness… Normal resonance of positive ions to negative ions - positive ion is called a cation and a neg is called an anions – normal ratio is 3 to 5 – this study determined that when this anionic to cationic ratio is shifted to 6 to 1, human begins to have hallucinations, they begin to have out of body experiences. There are sacred sites that have always been recognized by native cultures across the earth, in all regions. Many of the scared sites had natural mineral structures that create this 6 to 1 ratio. That is why that indigenous cultures recognized these places across the earth. Many holy places, sacred sites have natural mineralogical features that created this 6 to 1 ratio and so that is why the indigenous and the people that are connected to the living consciousness of the earth were drawn to these places, and at these places, they had their visions, and that it was easier to achieve at these sacred sites, due in part to the in the 6 to 1 ratio. A 6 to 1 ratio does a shift that activates the pineal gland and puts us through that gateway. It is interesting that the normal ratio of anions to cations began shifting with the x class solar flares and all of the CMEs – billions and billions and billions of tons of anionic energies have been bombarding the earth and the result is that there are jet streams, permanent movement streams that can be tracked, and were not there before. This is the mechanism for the shift of the earth. It is true that we are a society that have encouraged beta & alpha states of alert consciousness and we have disregarded theta states of consciousness, the dream states. Our modern society discourages us to be dreamers, to seek these states. Ancient societies recognized that when we enter these other states of consciousness we tune into a greater frequency a greater landscape a greater horizon of dimensional realities and it is truly in the theta state of consciousness that we are able now to join together and co-create the reality of the new earth. Many people suggest that the planet shifted to a new matrix, to an expanded energy field in 2012 through mechanisms such as solar activity, CMEs, that absolutely changed the ionic ratio of the planet that allows us now to more effectively go to higher states of consciousness. When we go into higher states of consciousness thru the pineal activation it is then that we are able to rise above the third dimension and work in non-polarity fields in which we are able to access more effectively our true identity and our true nature and communicate with a far greater source of consciousness and that includes our own higher self. Cosmological process that is going on, occurring all around us and with us. We are a part of it, and allow yourself to be in the flow with it in a more expanded dream state consciousness. The earth on its surface has a floating ocean of electrical energies of very high spectrum. The earth emits an anionic field (negative charged) that goes all the way up to the stratosphere which occurs at about 30,000 feet. That space between earth and stratosphere is a capacitor – it holds a charge. This field is where all of our lightening comes from – the Schumann Resonance – it has a charge of 7.85 hz – same as human brain wave in theta field. That ocean of energy is dynamic – it moves – and flows – into brooks, that become streams and become rivers. How do these energies flow? They are electromagnetic in nature. They flow along lines of conductivity. The conductivity comes from the different minerals that are on the surface and in the interior of the earth. These are electrical flows, they flow in patterns of conductivity copper and iron deposits, through water and saline materials, salt water. And they flow through the metallic formations, in certain patterns. These become what Asian cultures referred to as the dragon lines. They become concentrated, and they reach a conscious status where there is an awareness to them. The entire planet is alive and conscious. The ancients who communicated directly with the living energies of the earth – became aware of these energies and knew where they flowed and the nature of them. It was the Atlanteans who mastered the science of the grids and the ley lines and set up amplifying stations of pyramidal geometries to amplify these energies. Star Tetrahedron – used in most planets to regulate the energies. The 19.5 latitudes. The earth is alive and the shift that is occurring now is meant to allow us to operate more effectively above duality realms. 12 Dimensions are now available on the earth for the first time in thousands and thousands of years. Certain astronomical events create apertures that create the downloads into the frame of our reality on the earth. The earth is more than one phase of itself. These equinoxes, solstices and eclipses are very special. They create pockets in which energy is able to be transduced from higher dimension into the earth plane in order to upshift the frequency, upshift the energy to bring us into a higher vibration. The Equinoxes in March and September and the Solstices in June and December and the various solar and lunar eclipses that come in are mechanisms of the delivery of certain codes. Metatron speaks of the nature of our reality being geometric in nature. We are beings of light. Light has a geometric structure. Human cells at atomic and molecular structures all sacred geometry. Our physical reality is geometric in structure. Nature of our light and soul essence is geometric. When the earth energies begin to shift through these apertures, through these portals, through these kinds of downloads, they have certain codes that tie in with what is happening. 2013 is year one of the new earth – 2014 is year two of the new earth Certain codes, certain frequencies are being upshifted. This includes activations of a new chakra system, of a new light body essence. We have shifted from a magnetic grid to a crystalline grid. The magnetic grid, by its nature, was polar. It had a North Pole, a South Pole, It had an anionic aspect and a cationic aspect. Positive, Negative Poles. The Nature of duality is controlled in a polarity way. The human soul is neither male or female. Our inherent intelligence is integral – it maintains the aspects of both. When we come in to the university of earth – the duality plane – we split into a duality aspect. Every person in truth is neighed male or female. We are both. We are here to learn that we are co-creators of our reality. What we see around us we have created. This upshift into 12 dimensions allows us for the first time in eons to rise above the duality level into non duality planes of a crystalline field. The magnetic grid is being replaced by the crystalline grid. The crystalline grid allows us to move into higher dimensions through the pineal gateway. It is there that we will create the new earth. The role of humanity did not stop in 2012. We began in 2012. Now we have the tools in place to create w world of harmony, a world of peace. We have to orchestrate this. The Bible speaks of the 144,000 number of the rapture, a creative number– the 12 squared. We now need to gather our masses, to gather people to meditate together to create w world of highest good. If we take a look around now, we can see that the polarity aspects of the world are in high gear. There are wars, greed, control and love of power. How do we deal with that? We need to resolve all this, to understand, the power of love. This is what these equinoxes, these solstices, these eclipses are coding us. It is giving us the energy activations to understand how to become co-creators through the higher dimensional fields of theta coherent consciousness. When we go to the portals, to the places that carry these special energies that allow for multi-dimensional overlays, that allow for crystalline grid structures to exist we go into infinity points on the earth, and when we meditate there together and we receive the codes and we become code carriers of this new energy we activate the new chakra systems. In 2012 when the matrix expanded to 12 dimensions we went beyond the early 7 chakra system to the 12 chakra system to the 33 chakra system and it is going to take us some years to learn to operate in these higher dimensions lucidly. It is going to take us a while to learn how to navigate through these higher chakras, but they are there. We are going from old analog television to digital television. We are going to high definition. The pixels of life force on the planet are increasing and one of the mechanisms is the solar flares, the CMEs and the coding is being shifted in equinoxes solstices and eclipses. Transcribed Notes from:
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