Cycles of 13 - What This Full Moon Taught Me Hello Friends
A very happy September to all of you! I have been “in the family way” this summer playing with the kids, and now that school for them is a-happening I am delighted to have more time to lean into Inner Space, both my own, and the wonderful sacred space of our community. I have several course ideas percolating, and am working on finalizing fall offerings to spin out into the world for sharing. More on this later in the week. I am taking a moment here to share a very powerful passageway that was illuminated for me by the September 13/14 2019 Full Moon that we are under the waning light of…. When a calendar year starts on a Sunday, that year will have two Friday the 13ths. One in September, one in December. This year, we were graced with the Harvest Moon (the September full moon) coinciding with the power day of Friday the 13th. 13 is a powerful lunar number, for it is the number of lunar cycles that happen in a year. Taking the rounded figures that the lunar phase cycle is 4 weeks or 28 days long. 4 weeks x 13 = 52 weeks 28 days x 13 = 364 days The number 13 is often associated with moon/lunar power and wisdom. Some calendars have 13 months (instead of our Gregorian 12). I read an article about the cool 13 factoid that between Friday September 13 and Friday December 13 there are 13 weeks. (Thank You Earth Sky, a source of so much inspiration!! Read article) When reading these words I got an immediate sense of passageway. That these next 13 weeks are going to be super potent and powerful for self mastery and inner transformation. That for myself, I pledged to make each week a focus on a certain area of self care, and connecting to inner wisdom. 2020 is going to be an amazing year, and how we flow through the rest of 2019 and finish this calendar year is going to set the stage for the upcoming 2020. It is also super potent that this marks the equinox to solstice passage. As well as we have another full moon on December 12. 12/12 always feels like a DNA code day to me. So this process will assist us with DNA upgrades as well. I have several friends and mentors that use these coded passageways as times of preparation and for setting the stage for amazing things to unfold. Coding like this, with the calendar is a time tested method of blueprinting. We could use each month of the year for an area of focus. Some systems encourage us to use the last 12 days of the year clearing out the internal debris of the previous year, and then the first 12 days of the year to set the stage for the new year flow. We can use any cycle of time, be it years, months, weeks, even minutes. And as time is cyclic and quantum and non linear, we can start anytime and “catch up” to linear time as well. You, as the creator of the daily flow, seasonal flow of your own life….. What do you want to cultivate as daily rituals of self care and nourishment? What have you been “meaning to” do or let go of? What simple fun vibration raising thing can you add to your weekly or daily flow? When you hear the number 2020 – what does it invoke in you?? It often makes me think of clear vision. And the term “hindsight is 20/20” And then the upshift/uplevel to…. What if Foresight was 2020?? What would it be like if I spent the next 13 weeks dedicated to self awareness, self mastery, self care and nourishment? Would my vision for 2020 then be sparkling clear and precise? There is only one way to find out!! Join me in coding in the next 13 weeks as a passageway of greatness!! “Foresight 2020” Let’s spend this first week under the light of the bright moon envisioning and even listing pen and paper style the things we want to cultivate in our daily and weekly flow. Pick something that is FUN – that lights you up, that makes you smile and feel GOOD. And then write another few similar somethings. Write a love letter to yourself. That is our week one action step, should you chose to walk this path with me. Be in touch soon, Julie
9/15/2019 08:41:43 pm
oooo this is all very interesting! love this. thank you Julie. just got a pen and paper out.
9/16/2019 03:57:03 am
So perfect Glad I found this tonight cuz I cancelled something for tomorrow morning that I did not want to do. And am having a powerful time in so many ways right now. This honoring of the 13 and these beautiful weeks sandwiched between the moons. Self care/fun/create with intention and beauty. I’m in. It’s 1 am here so tomorrow I put pen to paper. Old fashion style
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