Lunar Occultation of Mars Moon “Eclipses” Mars tonight, January 13, 2025 This is my picture from 5:55 pm EST The moon will get closer and closer to mars and then cover over Mars tonight. As the clouds clear- pop outside and take a look. The moon will cover over occult Mars From 9:30 - 10:30 pm ish EDT (times vary with location) Then Mars will pop back into view above the moon. A special celestial treat! Visible from most of North American continent tonight. Mars Reappears "on the other side"
Did you get to see the bright moon tonight? Did you notice the three “stars” underneath the Moon?
The lowest, reddish sky light is Mars. And above are the twin stars of Gemini- Castor & Pollux. Tonight the moon lies above them in the sky. Tomorrow- we have a powerful celestial alignment- Moon Occults Mars. The Moon will “eclipse” or block/occults from view the planet Mars. (Seen from certain places on earth) Here on the east coast USA - the Moon & Mars will rise together around 4:30 pm EST. The moon will get closer and closer to Mars as the night darkens - and then the moon will move right in front of Mars. The Lunar Occultation of Mars begins around 9 pm and peaks around 10 pm EST and clears around 11 pm , when Mars planetary light will be visible in the sky again. This alignment - Moon & Mars - is a rare celestial event. Any lunar occultation highlights that celestial body- a sky game of peekaboo that brings our awareness to the planetary or stellar body. I’ll say more on the energies of this tomorrow as we flow through it. Wanted to give you an “eyes up” for tomorrow night so you can catch this sky treat yourself. VENUS & SATURN
In the Western twighlight sky, look for bright diamond Venus - bright, beautiful and easy to see around sunset. As the sky darkens, look above Venus and slightly to the left for Saturn . These 2 planets will get closer and closer each night as they move into Conjunction Jan 18-20. Beautiful viewing every night this week - so catch it after sunset on a clear night. Picture below - I took tonight - we had a wonderfully crisp super clear sky. Saturn became just visible for me around 5:30 pm - Venus is bright and easy to spot . They set together by 8:30 pm ish so catch them in the early evening sky. I parked at one of my favorite eastern vista spots to watch the moon rise. Moon rose around 3 pm EST - soft and white against the blue daytime sky.Wanted to share some of the beauty that I was witnessing with all of YOU 🙏🏻🌝🌕 What a privilege to be connected across time and space with all of YOU This Andara came out to play for the full moon- and now I’m calling it “Lunar Surface” Andara - it is very layered with some clear and many pockets of bubbles.
Looks like the lunar surface (hence the new pet name for this beauty) Moon “Eclipses” Pleiades
Jan 9, 2025 Lunar Occultation of M45 Moon Passes in front of the Pleiades tonight Starting around 7 pm EST and completing around 11 pm EST- the Moon passes across the Pleiades Star Cluster (M45) When the Moon passes in front of the sun, blocking our view from the earth’s surface, we call it an eclipse. A Lunar Occult is the same eclipse type phenomenon- with a star or a planet. The path of the Sun (the ecliptic) passes between The Hyades & Pleiades star clusters in the Taurus Constellation. Ancient skywatchers referred to this stargate, this passageway as “The Golden Gateway of rhe Ecliptic” Most often the Sun, Moon & Planets pass inside of this Golden Gateway. During certain times of the Lunar Cycle - the Moon passes directly in front of the Pleiades. This Now is one of those special alignment times. The Pleiades spark within us the light of our Star Essence - our embodiment as light. Many find these stars part of “our Star family” and close to humanity. The Moon occulting these stars brings a special peek at boo hide and seek focus and awareness. From my location on earth- Northeast USA- this pass by begins around 7 pm. Moon will cover over Electra, then Merope, Alcyone (three of the seven sister) - then mom & dad stars Atlas & Pleione. With the moon brightness, it can be hard to see the stars of the Pleiades cluster - and binoculars or telescope really aid the view. Our clouds just parted here - so I will be braving the frigid winds to catch a glimpse. Seeing with your eyes is just one way to enjoy the energies of this special alignment. You can tune in vibrationally - from anywhere- under any weather conditions. What song is the Moon & The Pleiades singing to your soul tonight? Star Dance. Celestial Celebration. Eclipse of some of the “Seven Sisters” - dancing with the Moon. Moon & Venus
So dazzling - Venus like a diamond Accentuated by the sliver of the newly waxing crescent moon Star studded sky - a clear cold night- winter skies are so crisp and inspiring- with a planetary line up too across the sky - Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus - all out to play across the ecliptic - across the wide open sky. Every time - these sky jewels take my breath away and make me elated and giddy with joy & excitement. Love Light Expansion Upliftment January 3, 2025 Messages from the SwansCygnus
The Swan Making the best of the open pathways/waterways before us Pressing up against the edges, the boundaries of our perceived “confined” space. As we swim for “clear waters” and bump up against the solid walls of confinement, of ice. Remember Spread your wings Because you can FLY This is the wisdom my swan friend shared with me on New Years Day Barred Spiral Galaxy - Our Central ChannelNew Year's Day Woodland Moment with a Barred Owl We spent about 15 minutes together Just chilling and communicating Very special This Owl communicated "tales of the barred" - and recalled to me the barred spiral nature of our Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way has a "bar of stars" at the center. With spiraling arms of stars flowing forth from this center in streams. These arms, these stellar superhighways are the flowing distribution system for the light of life.
We, our human embodied form, mirrors our galactic home and origins. As your human energy field has a central channel - much like the galaxy. This central column of light is your core - your power center - your inner galactic core. The EAgle & The SnakeHow often do you see an Eagle standing on a Lake? Just the right conditions - thin ice - me right place, right time to receive the visitation Heard “The Eagle & The Snake ” This new moon completes the Year of the Dragon. Out next new moon is the start of the Lunar Year- Year of the Snake Earth and Sky Snake and Eagle The Bridges between When I was here at the lake with this Eagle - I kept hearing "the eagle and the snake, the eagle and the snake". Sent a pic to one of my friends who has spent time in Mexico - and she reminded me of the tales of the founding of Mexico City - how the eagle and the snake led them to a sacred building site for their capital city. In ancient Sanskrit texts - the relationship between Eagle (Garuda) & Snake (Naga) has been sung to life - the dance of opposing forces - earth and sky - above and below.
Garuda (Eagle) is described as the king of the birds portrayed as a protector with the power to swiftly travel anywhere, ever vigilant with a watchful sky presence. Seeing the whole landscape below from their perch in the sky. "Eagle Vision" Nagas (Snake) are depicted as serpentine water dragons - as powerful, shapeshifting divine species that can assume their physical form either as human, as a partially human serpent, or as a whole serpent. Nagas (नाग) domain is the underworld - and are also known as dragons and water spirits. They are also often associated with bodies of waters — including rivers, lakes, seas, and wells — and are guardians of golden treasures in the enchanted underworlds. "Inner Earth" We Open the new calendar year with the dancing balanced pair - Eagle and Snake Above and Below Celestial and Terrestrial |
May 2024