First Sunset of the Season
Icy lake sparkling with dancing light Setting Solstice Sun Golden Solar & Silver Lunar Andara Pair Reservoirs of Light:Water A well to draw from To replenish our light bodies So nourishing SUN CONJUNCTS URANUS ~ MAY 13, 2024 |
“Sky, father of all, eternal cosmic element, primeval beginning of all, end of all, lord of the universe, moving about the Earth like a sphere. You are home of the blessed gods, your motion is a roaring whirl, you envelop all, celestial and terrestrial guard. Dark-blue, indomitable, Shimmering, variform, all-seeing father, blessed and most sublime divinity” (Orphic Hymn to the Sky, 4. 1-9). |

The Sun As Mother
Gives Birth to her children
The Planets
They orbit around her, for she emanates the
From our vantage point on earth, with our naked eyes, we can see the light of these brother and sister planets. They are pinpoint brilliant lights in the sky. This planetary light, is a reflection of Sun LIGHT.
As we look to the skies, we see each of our sibling planets visit and join with Mother Sun regularly. Astronomers call these visits conjunctions. During a visit/conjunction, the planets are embraced fully by the mother sun glow, and become part of the daytime light. Not something we see at night.
Mother Sun provides a flow of
Life Force - Prana
Heat - Warmth
Fire- Sight - Rainbow Illumination
Mother Sun is a Plasma Birther, a Light Birther
Bubbling forth with flares, plasma waves, and solar codes
Aurora Borealis in GRaFton, Mass
My pictures of the Northern Lights ~ Aurora Borealis
From Grafton, Massachusetts
Working with the Five Forms of Energy
Energy is the ability to do work or make change.
YOU, your body and soul are a vast system and field of energy.
Let's Explore the Forms this energy of life takes!
Two Forms of Energy
"Energy forms are either potential or kinetic. Potential energy comes in forms that are stored including chemical, gravitational, mechanical, and nuclear. Kinetic energy is energy in movement and includes electrical energy, heat, light, and sound."*
Energy in Motion - Kinetic Energy
You make things happen, you move energy and affect change in five primary ways.
Kinetic energy is the motion of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules, substances, and objects. We can use the power of these five fold tools to align our own energy fields!
Five Forms of Kinetic Energy:
Mechanical - bodies in motion
Radiant - free flowing waves - light waves, radio waves
Sound - waves through a medium
Thermal/Heat - rapid vibration of particles
Electrical - movement of charge particles
Tools for Moving Energy:
Move Your Body
Bathe in Sunlight
Sonics - Hum, chant, sing or listen to uplifting sound currents
Warm Up - get your particles vibrating!
Light Gazing - gaze at stimulating sources of LiGHT - one of our favorites are Andaras
An Inner Space Journey is designed to use these 5 tools for moving energy in the perfect combo for your governing energy needs of the day. Get yourself in the FLOW!
Tune in and BE - From wherever you are
Being at home in your body
Being content where you are
Being soft and receptive
Being flexible and flowing with changes as they come
Being steady strong and dependable
LIGHT OF THE SUNILLUMINATE AND NOURIUSH ME Today, and every day We welcome in the ☀️✨ L I G H T ✨☀️ of the ☀️💫 S U N💫☀️ May this light support your LIFE May it spark your awareness May it illuminate your field May it sustain your existence May it radiate exquisite joy May it code you in luminosity Dawn of Spring ~ First Light Photos from Equinox Sunrise 3/19/24 We Welcome the LiGHT of Spring ☀️ Featuring an Estial Bridge Andara Celestial Terrestrial Bridge = Estial Bridge |
MORE SYCAMORE LORE - Earth to Moon & Back Again
This tree has been to the moon and back again! A Lunar Conduit - one of the MOON TREES!
This tree has been to the moon - orbited the moon 34 times, and came back to earth - in seed form! Let me tell you the tale....
If you follow my sharing, you might notice I LOVE my local sycamore trees, visit them when called to, and work with them in a gridded network and as gateways - conduits from earth to sky. The sycamores have been calling me in for visits the last many weeks, a recent visit to the largest one in my immediate local area last week, brought in the info about the MOON TREES.
Onboard the Apollo 14 Mission in 1971, astronauts brought along a canister of tree seeds. A joint project/experiment of NASA & USFS to see if taking seeds into space would affect their ability to grow on earth. Upon return some of the seeds were germinated and shared around the country, and around the world to be planted and see how they would grow. Seeds were chosen from five different types of trees: Loblolly Pine, Sycamore, Sweetgum, Redwood, and Douglas Fir.
Saplings grown from these seeds were planted as part of the nation's bicentennial celebration in 1976. A loblolly pine was planted at the White House, and more pines all across the South, even one in Boise Idaho. Redwoods were planted in California - Sacramento, 3 in Arcata at Humbolt State, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo, and Berkeley. Douglas Firs were planted in the Northwest (Washington & Oregon) and more reported at places such as Washington Square in Philadelphia, at Valley Forge, in the International Forest of Friendship in Ohio, and at various universities and NASA centers, and many other states. Globally trees were gifted all around - to Brazil, Switzerland, France and one was presented to the Emperor of Japan. You can read the list of known Moon Trees here.
And...the Sycamores....they had the widest reach, as they grow in more climates and thrive in many soil conditions, they like sun and are often indicators of water sources. Two such Sycamores were planted in Massachusetts - one in Pembroke and one in Holliston. Only the one in Holliston is still living, and it being a 40 is minute drive from my house, I made it a priority to visit it the very next day.
The Holliston Moon Tree is planted at the Police Station. (read about the Holliston Moon Tree here).
In the front yard of the building, just quietly sitting there in plain sight on a busy road. Our local Moon Tree. The experience of being with it was mesmerizing for me. I brought along a Silver Lunar Disc Andara - because that's how I roll. The moments we had together - me and this tree - it was something very very special. It brought joy to my heart and tear to my eye.
If I could ask this tree (and I could, so I did)....You've been to the Moon sweet Sycamore Tree - tell me, what was it like to be weightless in a canister in the Kitty Hawk Command Module while Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell walked on the Moon below? What did earth look like from there? What can you share about the journey there and back?
Moon Trees - Sycamores - The Space Lore - this is next level and I am humbled and forever changed. Maybe there is one by where you live? Maybe you want to visit one too?
Here's the link to see where the known ones are planted. Even if you cannot visit one in person - the network of Moon Trees is open and available for you to connect with. They make a grid around the world! Connect in....
March 8, 2024
I really resonated with this astro write up about this conjunction from "Girl & Her Moon". It reads:
“In astrology, Mercury is known as our cosmic messenger. It is the mind, how we think, what we think about, how we learn, and what we want to learn. It is absorbing and processing information from our environment and building the landscape of our minds. This landscape turns into our perceptions, our understandings, our logic, and our mental patterns through which we filter everything.
Neptune, on the other hand, is less an energy that we can intellectualize and more one that we can feel, know, and become one with for a moment. Neptune is a doorway into the imagined, creative, and intuitive realm beyond all things physical. It is where we meld with the eternal hum of oneness that exists beyond all separation. Neptune takes us past the personal identity through which we have been building, refining, and understanding ourselves our entire lives and reminds us of a space where there is no “I” and only “All.”
We see and know our reality through the constructs and structures of our minds, namely through our beliefs, perspectives, narratives, and ideas. Yet as Mercury and Neptune come together, there is a blurring of the mental patterns through which we experience the world around us. Neptune begins to gently dissolve the constructs within our minds by delicately reminding us that they are exactly that—constructs. These constructs allow us to move through the world as who we are, yet they also limit us, inhibit us, and hide much from our view.
The coming together of the mind and the mystical allows us to see into spaces and truths that are only ours to see. It is an opening of the mind, intuition, creativity, and heightened imagination. It is an expansion of awareness into the oneness where all potential exists.”
~ Jordane Maree, Girl and Her Moon
Solar Flare & Lunar Landing on February 22, 2024
Solar Flare & Lunar Landing
February 22, 2024
Within an hour of each other
On February 22, 2024
We had Solar & Lunar activities
The Sun erupted a big burp of plasma flared at 22:34 UTC/5:34 EST/2:34 PST Thursday February 22.
On that same day, just shy of an hour later, at 23:23 UTC/6:23 EST/3:23 PST the Lunar Craft Odysseus landed by the South Pole of our Moon.
Both very significant events for humanity sparking our evolution and upleveling.
Of note to me, as we enter this powerful Eclipse Corridor - a Lunar Eclipse opens the door on March 24/25 paired with a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8. Sun and Moon. In their cosmic dance of sacred union.
Sun & Moon
Together as ONE
Unified Eclipse Technology
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Andaras & Crystals
Astronomical Alignments
Blackstone River
Celestial Shamanic Messages
Crystalline Gridkeeping
Emotional Body
Energy Body
Equinox & Solstice
Golden Solar Discs
High Heart Center
Inner Space Convos
Key Codes
Light Body Technology
Light Codes
Light Rays
Live As Light
Multidimensional Bodies
Photonic Light
Pineal Third Eye
Pineal - Third Eye
Rainbow Connection
Sacred Sites
Silver Lunar Discs
Solar Source Codes
Solar System
Soluntra King Articles
SoulSpeaks 5D
Sound Codes
Star Codes
Stone Structures
The Hathors
The Pleiades
Time Walking