Equinox Activities & Alignments
EquiPose DAyMarch 17, 2019
Today, the sun rose (viewed from my location) at 6:55 am and will set at 6:55 pm. Today is the day that has 12 equal hours of day and night. Equinox is a whole sequence of astronomical events and alignments. Today is about Equipoise. Finding that space inside of equanimity and balance. The Equal sided breath is a great way to find this Inner Space. Read More.... Find Your True NorthMarch 18, 2019
This equinox corridor, I feel a strong need to work with my electro magnetic energy grid, in particularly to the poles and the torus shaped flux field that flows through and around me and with recalibration. I know it is time to recalibrate myself to the shifting planetary magnetic poles. I feel a strong pull of the arrow of my inner compass that points “True North”. True North is your unified soul calling. It is your deep true purpose and longing of fulfillment/soul/heart/role. It is where your inner compass orients and calibrates to. It creates direction and attention flow. Read More.... |
Equinox Family FunMarch 17, 2019
Your Home Base as Astronomical Calendar Infuse a sense of earth and sky based wonder and awe in your kiddos by introducing this fun easy technique this equinox. At the equinoxes, the sun rises at due East and sets at due West. This only happens at the equinoxes (as at the solstices the sun rises far north or south of east and follows a different path across the sky), so just twice a year, so it makes for a fun special family way to find and orient to the 4 directions! Read More.... Pole Position