One of the functions of the Pleiades in our galaxy is how it acts as a sorting station or crystalline frequency filter for incoming light codes and star particles along the galactic arm of our Milky Way. Just like sunlight gets divided into color frequency bands by a prism, when light flows from galactic core source to our sun, it travels to us along a specified pathway or stream. One of our closest neighbors on this stellar stream is the Pleiades. You can think of this star cluster as a “strainer” or “crystal filter” that all light passes through on it’s way to our Sun. This sorting process organizes the light into Soul Groups, much like the sorting hat in Harry Potter grouped the students into houses. These are your people. Your like minded buddies. The vibe you resonate with and are here to embody. Also known as Soul Group. This is a similar process to working with your numerology, or the Enneagram. Seven Sisters style.
Which house is yours? Which Sister do your relate to and identify with? Which Soul Group are you here to represent? (yes, you can belong to more that one) The Pleiades assist you to know yourself better with "which house you belong in". Which sister group do you belong to? Are you the "alpha sister" who likes to shine the brightest and get the most attention? Do you create your own reality apart from your family? Do you trail-blaze a new pathway? Do you gather the group together? Are you the harmonizer or the peacemaker?
How can you tell?? Which image below is the most resonant for you to hear from today? Which Pleiadian Andarian below speaks to your soul? Look at the images. Use your gut sense and instant knowing. Based on how they make you feel. Which one most quickens your breath and flutters your belly and magnetizes to your heart and draws you in to explore more.... (and maybe it is multiple or even all of them, but you will have one that speaks the loudest in any given moment).
Which house is yours? Which Sister do your relate to and identify with? Which Soul Group are you here to represent? (yes, you can belong to more that one) The Pleiades assist you to know yourself better with "which house you belong in". Which sister group do you belong to? Are you the "alpha sister" who likes to shine the brightest and get the most attention? Do you create your own reality apart from your family? Do you trail-blaze a new pathway? Do you gather the group together? Are you the harmonizer or the peacemaker?
How can you tell?? Which image below is the most resonant for you to hear from today? Which Pleiadian Andarian below speaks to your soul? Look at the images. Use your gut sense and instant knowing. Based on how they make you feel. Which one most quickens your breath and flutters your belly and magnetizes to your heart and draws you in to explore more.... (and maybe it is multiple or even all of them, but you will have one that speaks the loudest in any given moment).
PLEIADIAN Andara Family
Atlas & Pleione
Polarity Mom & Dad Merope "The Hidden One presiding over her place" The One who walks her own path, the maverick, the trailblazer Asterope (and Sterope) " Red Hair" A binary, a twin pair, complemented best in partnership and team |
" Lady of the Universe" The brightest star and "leading" sister The ONE who shows the way Electra "Bright Red" You are made to shine Electric Let your Light lead the way! Taygeta " Sky-Storm" Sky codes, Cloud reader, works with storm energies, vortex power |
"YOU from Khemmis" Self Awareness, self reflection, self empowerment Celeana "Your Name pervades over the west" The Pioneer, The one who expands possibilities The Pleiadian Grid Star Code Light Team |