Pleiades Communications
I have been working closely with a sacred site in my neighborhood, an ancient stone beehive chamber. It is an astronomical alignment site, meaning it is designed and set up to watch the setting June Solstice Sun. From within the beehive chamber, the sun sets over carefully aligned rock cairns (stacks) arranged on nearby Pratt Hill. Reading and researching on the site, it was found by archeoastronomers that the chamber was also aligned to the setting of the Pleiadian Stars. Atop Pratt Hill there are also stone stacks arranged for the alignment of the setting Pleiades. Read More.... THE CORRIDOR OF PLEIADES POWERSpring 2019 Significant Pleiades Alignments
May 4 – New Moon – Heliacal Setting of the Pleiades The last visible setting of the Pleiades. The Pleiades “goes dark” or becomes invisible from earth from May 2/3 – June 24 May 16-23, 2019 - Sun is in Pleiades Zone The Sun enters the Corridor of Pleiades Power just before our full moon, this full moon reflects these codes to us - a sweet way to receive Full Moon May 18 – Sun gets cozy with Pleiades Tuesday May 21 - Sun Conjunct Pleiades & Mercury Mercury provides a quicksilver corridor and ease of heightened transmissions for the Pleiades communication streams June 11 – Venus meets (conjuncts) the Pleiades The Egyptians associated this star cluster with the Seven Hathors - we will be sharing some Hathor wisdom for this venus line up! June 21 - Solstice June 24 – Pleiades is again visible from earth, in the dark of early morning before dawn PLEIADES GOES "DARK"/BEcomes LIGHTMay 2, 2019
The Pleiades, or “Seven Sisters” is a star cluster of hundreds of stars, with 7 bright and visible to the naked eye, that has captured humankind attention since ancient days. Because of where it sits on the ecliptic, it is visible for much of the year. When the sun moves into the constellation Taurus every spring, the Pleiades become invisible to us on earth, as the stars are lost from sight in the glare of the sun. The stars rise and set with the sun like this for about a month (40 days). The last evening where you can see the Pleiades setting in the twilight darkening sky is called the heliacal setting. Similarly, the morning that the Pleiades are visible rising in the morning sky is the heliacal rising. (Helios = Sun, heliacal = with the sun). These stars are now conjuncting, or lining up with, the sun. That means, that the sun gets a “boost” of light from these stars, and that the light that is incoming from the sun also contains light and codes from this star cluster. Read More.... MAY 4 NEW MOONMay 4, 2019
New Moon Sets with the Sun and the Pleiades The current star view, facing west. Sun and Moon just set together a bit ago. The Pleiades are about to set. A great moment and a great alignment in which to call in your Highest and Brightest. What qualities and gifts are you wanting to cultivate in yourself? Is there an expanded role you can play in your friend groups or community? How can you shine and share your unique light? What will feed, fuel and nourish your soul? Pay attention to your heart and soul desires and call it in for yourself. 💫💛 |
Pleiades Star Codes Tuning in to Pleiades wisdom today, and these light code drawings came through to share with you. Which code is the most resonant for you to hear from and turn in within today? Look at the images. Use your gut sense and instant knowing. Based on how they make you feel. Which one most quickens your breath and flutters your belly and magnetizes to your heart? Draws you in to explore more.... (and maybe it is multiple or even all of them, but you will have one that speaks the loudest in any given moment). SUN AND PLEIADES CONJUNCTMay 18, 2019
Pleiades Codes Incoming!! The sun takes a powerful place today in the Pleiades zone of the sky. When the sun conjuncts (sits in the sky along side) a star cluster, the sun picks up and amplifies the Star Codes. PLEIADES SOLAR JOURNEYMay 20, 2019
Ancient cultures used this easily visible and distinguishable star cluster of the Pleiades to signify important seasonal markers, such as the spring equinox, the time to plant crops or the opening to seafaring season. In ancient myths, this was a time that these stars would descend into “the underworld” or below the horizon. However, from a modern viewpoint, we know that the Pleiades are moving into the bright glare of the Sun, and rise and set with the sun, so we cannot see them right now. When a star or planet lines up with the sun in our sky we say that they conjunct each other. During this time, the sun amplifies and sends codes from this star system to us on earth. We as gatekeepers conduct and welcome this energy and light and star encoded information into our own bodies, and then birth it onto earth and deliver it into the earth grids. PLEIADes as Soul Group sorting HatConjunction Junction,
Read all about
Conjunction Junction Function HERE |
Pleiades Re-alignment & Attunement Session
I also offer individualized sessions on this topic....
Pleiades Re-alignment & Attunement
A Vibrational Tune Up to align and create free flow in your Inner Space Field. Sessions to assist folks to attune to their Pleiadian origins, gain ease of access of communication, and receive light codes and attunements from your Pleiadian friends and star family. An energy body astrological light code attunement and star family re-alignment.
Pleiades Re-alignment & Attunement
A Vibrational Tune Up to align and create free flow in your Inner Space Field. Sessions to assist folks to attune to their Pleiadian origins, gain ease of access of communication, and receive light codes and attunements from your Pleiadian friends and star family. An energy body astrological light code attunement and star family re-alignment.