Moon “Eclipses” Pleiades
Jan 9, 2025 Lunar Occultation of M45 Moon Passes in front of the Pleiades tonight Starting around 7 pm EST and completing around 11 pm EST- the Moon passes across the Pleiades Star Cluster (M45) When the Moon passes in front of the sun, blocking our view from the earth’s surface, we call it an eclipse. A Lunar Occult is the same eclipse type phenomenon- with a star or a planet. The path of the Sun (the ecliptic) passes between The Hyades & Pleiades star clusters in the Taurus Constellation. Ancient skywatchers referred to this stargate, this passageway as “The Golden Gateway of rhe Ecliptic” Most often the Sun, Moon & Planets pass inside of this Golden Gateway. During certain times of the Lunar Cycle - the Moon passes directly in front of the Pleiades. This Now is one of those special alignment times. The Pleiades spark within us the light of our Star Essence - our embodiment as light. Many find these stars part of “our Star family” and close to humanity. The Moon occulting these stars brings a special peek at boo hide and seek focus and awareness. From my location on earth- Northeast USA- this pass by begins around 7 pm. Moon will cover over Electra, then Merope, Alcyone (three of the seven sister) - then mom & dad stars Atlas & Pleione. With the moon brightness, it can be hard to see the stars of the Pleiades cluster - and binoculars or telescope really aid the view. Our clouds just parted here - so I will be braving the frigid winds to catch a glimpse. Seeing with your eyes is just one way to enjoy the energies of this special alignment. You can tune in vibrationally - from anywhere- under any weather conditions. What song is the Moon & The Pleiades singing to your soul tonight? Star Dance. Celestial Celebration. Eclipse of some of the “Seven Sisters” - dancing with the Moon.
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